com textos interessantes, cheio de gatafunhos e alguns bonecos, como aqui se mostra.
The celebrated English philosopher, Newton, being
one day deeply engaged in the study of some difficult
problem, would not leave it to go and breakfast with
the family.
His housekeeper, however, fearing that the long fasting
might make him ill, sent one of the servants into the
closet, with an egg and a saucepan of water. The servant
was told to boil the egg and stay while her master ate
it, but, Newton, wishing to be alone, sent her away,
saying he would cook it himself. The servant, after
placing it by the side of his watch on the table, and
telling him to let it boil three minutes, went out; but
fearing he mignt forget, she returned soon after, and
found him standing by the fire-side, with the egg in his
hand, his watch boiling in the saucepan, and he quite
unconscious of the mistake he had committed.
Approvado officialmente para a 2.ÂŞ e 3.ÂŞ classe dos Lyceus
Arthur Ivens Ferraz
Livraria Chardron
de Lello & IrmĂŁos, editores

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